Work is not easy. It takes up so much of our lifetime and sometimes it is straight-up soul-crushing. LazyCrazyMisfit came about because having spent already 15 years of my life working, I have repeatedly had to deal with a number of nice little work problems which at the time neither felt nice nor little. And asking for help or advice on how to solve these from my surrounding, supervisors, coworkers, friends, and family, was little help.
A few years back I randomly wrote an article about how I felt like I sucked at my job that was really just for myself. It was yet another one of those work days where I felt next to worthless and just beyond stupid. And I was stressed out about always feeling that way, even when things objectively speaking were going well. When I published this article here on my blog I was pretty surprised to find how many people also felt like me. But although it made me really happy to find that me trying to pep talk myself also made others feel a bit better, it also didn’t really solve the problem that I had. Because every time I came across another problem in my everyday work life it was really hard to find good advice or a resource to turn to for guidance.
So this is what this site is all about: How to work better but also, how to make work better. There are two types of resources on this site:
- Articles that are mostly about capturing what it feels like when you have a specific work problem and some encouragement on how to deal with it.
- And articles that are complete how-to’s, tools and techniques, or other applicable resources that you can use to solve a work problem or generally improve how you work.
So think of this site as the place to come to next time you feel lost and confused, a friendly GPS that knows what it feels like.